Dr. Yakubu Adole Agada-Amade attended primary and secondary schools in Benue State, Nigeria, where he won several awards. Dr. Agada-Amade holds a medical degree from University of Calabar, Nigeria, master’s degrees in health planning and management (MHPM) from University of Maiduguri, Nigeria and public health (MSc) from University of London. He holds a certificate in improving quality of healthcare from Harvard School of Public Health, Harvard University, Boston MA, USA, diploma from London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (DLSHTM). He is currently studying for a PhD in health systems, policy and economics in University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus.
He is a member of the Nigerian Institute of Management (NIM), African Health Economics and Policy Association (AfHEA) and International Society for Quality in Healthcare (ISQua).
He heads the Standards and Quality Assurance Department of the Nigeria National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA). He comes to the Board with several years of experience of drawing up policies and guidelines for strategic purchasing including setting standards for, and assuring quality of care for the enrollees of the NHIA
He has attended several courses in quality of healthcare, health economics, health technology assessment, global health and implementation science.
He is married to Blessing lily Amade and blessed with children.
Dr. Charles Kiplagat Kandie
Directorate of Health Standards, Quality Assurance and Regulation
Ministry of Health
P.O. Box 5564 – 00506
Mobile Phone +254722 709156
e-mail address: kandiecharles@yahoo.com
I am a Pharmacist by profession and graduated in 1993 with Bachelor of Pharmacy Degree from the University of Nairobi. I have Masters in Business Administration that I obtained in 2010 and I have attended several short courses and trainings in the management of procurement and supply chain, organizational and quality management.
I am currently working in Ministry of Health, National Government in the Directorate of Health Standards, Quality Assurance and Regulation supporting Quality Improvement cluster in providing technical assistance to counties’ Department of Health in Health Systems Strengthening through adoption of electronic Kenya Quality Model for Health (e-KQMH) assessment of hospitals and use of selected Quality Improvement methodologies to close the gaps identified in the various departments within the hospitals following assessments. I have chaired the health sector Quality Management Technical Working Group (QM_TWG) which meets quarterly with the objective of coordinating and harmonizing Quality Improvement initiatives from various implementing partners at both the National and County levels.
I have worked in the public service in various capacities in the last 27 years. Notable ones being the Chief Executive Officer in Kenya Medical Supplies Agency (KEMSA) responsible for management of procurement and supply chain of health products and technologies in the public sector for five years, as pharmaceutical inspector with the pharmacy and poisons board, as Project coordinator for Revolving Drug Fund-Nyamira Programme responsible for implementation and monitoring of a pilot Community financing for drugs for two years and as a District pharmacist providing pharmaceutical services within the hospital and coordination of the supply of Essential Medicines to primary health care facilities.
I have also worked in World Health Organization (WHO) for one year as National Professional Officer responsible for coordinating of country support from WHO and other stakeholders to the Ministry of Health in the complex area of Policy, Access, Safety, Quality and Rational use of medicines.
Paul R. vanOstenberg, DDS, MS
Independent Consultant for Global Healthcare Strategies
Paul vanOstenberg has over 30 years of international leadership in health care quality, patient safety, health care accreditation and standards development. Most recently he held senior management positions at Joint Commission International (JCI) including Senior Advisor, Global Growth and Innovation and Vice President for International Accreditation, Standards, and Measurement and was the first Managing Director for the JCI Asia Pacific Office in Singapore, and the first Managing Director for the JCI European office.
Paul’s international work includes special projects for WHO, the US Treasury in Saudi Arabia, USAID in several Eastern European countries and in Africa. His work with the Pharmaccess Foundation began with his participation in developing the SafeCare program and over the years has included work in several African countries around accreditation, quality and patient safety.
Paul is an exceptional educator and standards developer and has been recognized as such around the world including the 2015 Distinguished Service Award from the ISQua for this international standards work. Paul’s leadership has been synonymous with innovative strategic thinking, mentoring and compassionate team building.
Dr. vanOstenberg earned a BA (Bachelor of Arts) from the University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida. He also received a DDS (Doctor of Dental Surgery) from the Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia and an MS (Masters in Gerontology and Health Administration) from the Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia.
Currently Amina Abdulkadir Ali is an Assistant Professor and Associate Dean of the School of Health and Medical Sciences of the State University of Zanzibar.
Professionally I am Nurse and Midwifery Educator with over 35 years of working experiences in different positions in the government, international agencies and Universities.
I started my career as a clinical nurse and a midwife at Mnazi Mmoja Referral and Teaching Hospital in Zanzibar where I was promoted as a Matron of the hospital and later became the first Government Chief Nursing Officer of the Ministry of Health, Zanzibar. I then moved to Tanzania mainland where I was employed by UNICEF as a Project Officer for HIV and AIDS (4 years) and Tanzania Health Advisor for Irish Aid (4 years) and Behaviour Change Communication Officer with Programme for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH) based at Seattle in USA working on Adolescents Reproductive and Sexual Health in Tanzania (5 years). In 2005 I was teaching at The Aga Khan University Dar es Salaam and from 2012 to date at the State University of Zanzibar.
My professional education of nursing and midwifery started in Zanzibar and Nursing Education Diploma at Muhimbili. My Advanced Nursing Administration training was in United Kingdom at the Royal College of Nursing In London and Master degree in Health Management at the University of Birmingham in UK. I have several short training but I will mentioned two only. One is a nurse specialist in the Care for People with HIV Diseases (UK) and Alumni of Global Nurse Leadership Institute (Geneva) the programme of International Council of Nurses. The training has strengthen my leadership skills, confidence, professional decision making, team spirit and commitment in providing quality care to patients and public.
I was born and grew up in the islands of Zanzibar in the United Republic of Tanzania. I am married with grownup children. I have travelled to different countries in Africa, US, UK and UAE for meetings conferences and paper presentations. I have done several publications mainly on nursing. However since the pandemic of COVID19, I have restricted myself from traveling outside Tanzania and participated in virtual meetings and conferences.
The other main role that I have to date is a Chairperson of the Zanzibar Nurses and Midwives Council appointed by Honourable President of Zanzibar. I make sure that the quality of all nursing and midwifery training institutions in Zanzibar are providing the knowledge, skills and competencies that are acceptable to the standard set according the law and regulations to produce ethical and competent graduates.
Dr. Philip A. Bannor, MD, is appointed by the President of Ghana as the Registrar of the Health Facilities Regulatory Agency, HeFRA. The Agency is mandated to register, inspect, license, and perform accreditation for nearly fifteen thousand health facilities nationwide. Dr. Bannor is an Internal Medicine Medicine Specialist.
Dr. Bannor is a practicing Internal Medicine since 2001. He graduated from the Medical College of Wisconsin in 1997. Dr. Bannor became Board Certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine, ABIM, in 2002. Dr. Bannor, until his appointment to HeFRA, was the Regional Director of the National Health Insurance Authority-Eastern Region, overseeing the entire operation of the NHIA with 2 million insured lives. Dr. Bannor was appointed as Head of eClaims (Electronic Claims) at the NHIA. The eClaims Unit processes claims for the tertiary, regional, and many private and public primary and district hospitals, medical centers, and diagnostic centers, receiving and processing over 6 million claims and settling over Ghc 240 million ($US 40 million) liabilities annually. Under his tenure at the NHIA, he transformed the e-Claims Unit from processing just 5000 claims per day to 50,000 per day.
Additionally, Dr. Bannor was appointed by the Chief Executive Officer of NHIA to Chair the Stale Claims Review Committee, which is charged with receiving all complaints and issues pertaining to claims submissions, processing, and payments. Dr. Bannor represented NHA/Claims on an interdisciplinary committee involving the World Bank, Ghana Health Service, and the Government of Ghana to streamline NHIA payments to the primary health care providers to achieve the President’s Free SDG initiative Universal Health Coverage. The interdisciplinary effort distributed free enhanced software, CLAIM-IT 2.0 /CASP, to all private and public facilities, including CHAG and other faith-based institutions.
At the Health Facilities Regulatory Agency, Dr. Bannor has successfully led the drafting and adoption of forty different assessment standards for various categories of healthcare facilities. He recently completed the digitization of the assessment standards. Under his leadership, HeFRA has completed the Mobile Online Information system, MOIS, to guide the registration and license of facilities. The Agency has embarked on drafting accreditation standards for healthcare facilities in Ghana.
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